Osaka day 7+8

July 26, 2024


Hello lovelies, 

ready for part four? This series will probably take ages but I at least have time to write about it during work :D.

Day 7 

We had sent our big suitcases with Yamato to the next hotel to Osaka and it was a really nice, hassle-free way of riding the Nozomi train. The train tickets were also much cheaper than expected. The Americans, who were in the same train as us, didn't get the memo and tried in vain to search for a place for their big bag, which was just annoying.

At the station we got ourselves some bentos and snacks. I loved the designs of this pikachu banana softcake but didn't like the taste.


 I love the japanese train station bento - for about 7-15€ you get delicious food and can eat it while enjoying the amazing train ride.


We also saw Mt. Fuji without clouds and it was spectacular. The rest of the short ride we napped a bit.

We arrived in Osaka around 2pm and went  to our hotel were our luggage waited for us. We hadn't planned anything special for that day and therefore we made a big round around a hotel which, coincidentally, was in Amerikamura and all of the fashion brands I wanted to see were there anyway. 

 I got this from a gachapon and was surprised by the design. It was promoted as bird ring but I didn't know that the outer package was this cute egg. 

And that's the birb I got. Isn't he cute? He is such a cute boy.

I popped into Angelic Pretty, Metamorphose, and most importantly, closet child. 



It was the only day that closet child was opened when we were in Osaka. Booo. No idea why. I bought so many items at closet child items, they had a much better selection than the ones in Tokyo. After buying a ton from closte child I had to return to the hotel and stash the items and then we were off again.

We had dinner and then went back to the hotel were I took pictures of the clothing I bought. Beware, it's a massive picture spam. 

Axes fenne top. Perfect for autumn as it's thin but has long sleeves.


I can't remember the brand as I had never heard of it before.

Same for this dress. The colour is actually a grey-and purple tartan.


Another floral dress, I kind of forgot the brand.

An ice-cream Ank rouge dress? Yes please. The problem is that the bust is suuuper small. :(

That might be an old Liz Lisa skirt but I am not that sure.

Same for this, even though I think it's axes femme? I need to check at home.

This is the most ridiculous dress I found in Japan. It has a weird candy print but I think it's hilarious. I'm probably going to wear it for Halloween.

Cute cherry and heart dress from Milk, I think.

That also might be ank rouge? with a powder puff print. It is also very tight on my chest.

Another Ank rouge dress with cupcakes! It just makes me hungry.

Isn't this Amavel dress just perfect? It has cute little strawberries!

Another strawberry dress, this time from Leur Getter.

Another Leur Getter print with strawberries. Can one person have too many strawberry themed items? NO!

Chocolate Brezel and cherries, what can go wrong with this Ank rouge dress?

This is how it looked like in the bag. Oops. I am in awe by the shopkeeper's talent.

I bought these shoes in a tiny, very full and random store at the ground floor of a building. The staff was so nice and talked in japanese-english with us and their english was pretty good.

And that was my Angelic Pretty haul. I got two new ribbon hair pieces, socks and a strawberry bag.

Day 8

The last time I was at Osaka castle was in Summer of 2009 and it had almost 40°c. This time it was sunny but not that warm as we wandered the path to the castle. The trees were almost in full bloom and there were so many people sitting on the ground and having a picknick. This time we had tickets and entered the castle after queue for about 10 minutes. We saw that the people without tickets had to wait for much longer.

Inside of the castle it was almost too busy and there were a lot of people. We went through all the floors and looked at the exhibition cases. I nearly screamed in joy when I found red slippers. It was actually not the slippers I was interested in but the gold bobbin lace that were on the slippers. What where the chances to find bobbin lace in Japan from the 16th or 17th century? I think hias and I stood in front of the showcase for ages, trying to figure out how it was made. It looked like a plait lace made out of metal thread. We were not allowed to take pictures on the whole floor and like good tourists, we also abided by that. Instead, I then hunted down the slippers and even found them on the site. hehe.



This is the view from the top where you could go around for a 360° view of all of osaka. And as mentioned before, we had bad luck and no tress were in bloom or else that whole park would be pink. 

Afterwards we grabbed lunch from the various booth around the castle and just sat there, looking at the mass of people rolling towards the castle like a tsunami wave. 


 Here I found the only tree that was in full bloom. THE ONLY ONE! Our trip was so sad.

Leaving the castle behind we went back to our hotel. In the evening we decided to go to dinner and roamed a bit around the neighbourhood. We found a super cheap meal and it was delicious.

And that's it for the first week in Japan. I still have two more weeks ahead of me. lol. 
All the best,
Auris Lothol

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