Five petalled rose festival in cesky Krumlov

July 05, 2024


Hello lovelies, 

in June we travelled to the Czech republic to visit the five petalled rose festival/Slavnosti pětilisté růže in Český Krumlov. I had read so much about the festival and it looked amazing plus, I've never beem to Krumlov so I can combine sightseeing with the festival. 

But damn, there was just so much to see!

There was dancing and shows on a big stage at the Svornosti Square, in the castle was a craft market, in the town park was a (military) camp, a wine festival in the monastery garden, more music and dancing on the second stage in the brewery garden and just shows and music groups all around town, and so much more!

We startet out from Vienna around 2pm. It was a 3h hours car ride but google either sent us in a weird way or we drove very slow as it took us way more than three hours. When we finally arrived, the woman at the parking space was a bit unfriendly and claimed we didn't have a reservation (we did) and the hotel never passed on the message (we called the parking lot directly and talked to a guy). Eh. Whatever. We paid 500 crowns (about 20€) for the three days and wandered off into the city. We had a small suitcase with us and it was a real pain driving it over the uneven cobblestone but that's just how old cities are. Plus, the hotel was not far away. 

We stayed at Monastery Garden Bistro just after the ticket check and right next to the castle. The hotel was very nice and we had the lavender room, with a paper bag of dried apple chips on the bed. Yummy!

The weather was not great and it rained just after we checked in and therefore decided to stay in the hotel until the rain was gone. And luckily, the rain stopped after an hour.

We toured the city and there were so many people in costumes all and about. It was also my first time in Krumlov and I fell in love with the architecture and the aesthetics of the city. Everything was so old, I loved it. 

We roamed around the city and watched a dance show at the main square, then headed to the church. 

The church was a bit plain, I kind of expected a baroque church with gold everywhere. But it was still pretty.

 We went out of the church, down the stairs and then we noticed, that we were just seeing the start of the parade going passed us. And boy oh boy, it almost took 10 minutes until all of the people in costume passed us. It was a gigantic train of people. 

We later found out that the drummers were from Brno. Then we roamed the city some more and decided to grab a bite and call it a day because we were tired already.

The restaurant didn't really have good reviews but it was actually not that bad. I had a nice pork with red cabbage and dumplings with Radler and my Hias had some fish.

The portions were huge and I did not finish all. 

In the evening I still had to sew as my sleeves for Sunday were not done yet. We watched monk on tv and I fell asleep quite quickly (and allegedly, stole all the blankets).

On Saturday I realized, I had not brought an essential piece of clothing with me - the black underdress. Peachy. I was frantically coming up with a solution and the only thing I could think of was pinning my pink scarf over the chemise. And it worked out well? It looks a bit weird to my eyes but it did work out very well.

This time we managed to get into the castle and also found the way into the castle and to the artist faire. There were a lot of booths but we got too hot and grumpy to really enjoy ourselves.

The sky was such a lovely dark blue and the whole city was humming. Next to the hotel was this monastery and in their gardens was a wine festival. I thought it was very fitting.

And here are two pictures of the dress.

And here another picture on a bridge.

Look at my immergency scarf. I am pretty sure nobody realized that it was a panic solution.

We roamed around the city but took different paths than the day before. And this time, we also went into the castle.

A poor bear in an old moat? :( I felt so sorry for this poor fella.

Cat! It was such a cute baby.

The castle looked huge from down below but once inside, it didn't feel like it would take hours to go from one end to the other.

 And look at this amazing view of the city.

For late lunch/early dinner we ate at another restaurant but it was not that good even though the reviews were better? My gulash meat was super tough. Meh.

Hias got dessert, ice-cream in a trdlnik but the dough was still hot and the ice-cream was just a puddle inside of it. He couldn't really eat it properly and stood next to a trashcan with tissues, ready for anything.

We didn't drink properly and decided to sit down at a very beautiful cafe were we also got sweets and desert.


And afterwards we watched some shows, they had dancing, musicians and sword fighting.

Very medieval potato chips. lol

There was also a marionette show and the doll was so sassy.


At the end of the day there was a firework over the castle but I was already so exhausted, I just woke up from it but fell asleep again immediately. 

Usually, Sunday is another busy day but not in Krumlov. Sunday was so slow and the festival already ended at 3pm. The wine festival was gone and the weather was not that scorching hot like it was before. 

I also finished my sleeve the day before (well...finished. The decoration was still missing) and we were off!

Here still without sleeves as we had to check out fast and did the sleeves downstairs in the hotel lobby. And here is the look with the sleeves. I left the hair open as I couldn't be bothered to make a braided style and didn't have time.

And the full outfit under a rose arch. I love the look. It was so romantic.

We had lunch/breakfast in the main square, it's grilled cheese with salad, sweet jam and bread. Afterwards we decided to check out the garden as we haven't been there yet. And that was a great idea. There was a kind of bird show and there were numerous of these small huts with the birds. They just didn't look happy though.

Plus, I can't really name the birds at all. I just now that the last one is an owl. lol.

There were a lot of tents with people showing off their skills and we ended up buying some more trdlnik but fresh and crispy with sugar. It was divine.

It was slowly getting 1-2pm and we decided to go home. And that was our weekend in Krumlov. I can only recommend it if you are in the area. The next festival dates are already on the homepage.

All the best,

Auris Lothl

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