Progress on my victorian steampunk dress...or not

November 29, 2015

Hi lovelies,

a while ago I shared pictures on the steampunk dress I am currently doing. The only problem is, that I assembled all the pieces and sewed them together and I am absolutely dissatisfied by the outcome. I thought this dress with this particular fabric was a good idea but it wasn't.
So back to zero, I guess.

The back looks super good though. The pattern even matches the sides. There are still pins in the lower back because I was not finished and I wanted to see how it looks like on my doll...

It matches even better on the other side! But the light was too bad for it.

The front is all wobbly because I measured everything with a corset underneath and I can't lace my sewing doll, which is a real shame.
Plus, it is open on the side and should be closed there too but nay, I didn't have time to pin it properly.
I warned you. It really looks all wrinkled up because I didn't bother to pin the sides but whatever. I was already so fed up with everything...

So, what now.
For my 1860s Hungarian wedding dress I still have some white satin fabric left. Also I have got white and a kind of reddish-brown hard leather. And with these I wanted to create something new, maybe only victorial inspired but very steampunk-y.

Wish me luck for that!,


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