Sewing patterns for gyaru

September 18, 2014

Hello lovelies,

Sewing your own clothes for Lolita is accepted if you use the right fabric, lace and if the outcome doesn't look like a Milano scam. But I never made my own things for Gyaru, therfore I put together some pattern, which are usable for Himegyaru and Himekaji.
All these pattern I am going to list can be used as basic pattern and it is for you to decide how to decorate it with lace, flowers, and ribbons.

I wanted to include the burda numbers where I got the pictures from but these are only in German. I didn't know that there were different patterns for the countries so take the patterns as suggestions for it you find similar patterns...


Use this pattern for dresses like this:

You can use it for babydroll dresses:

If you want to have sleeves on your dress, use this pattern
Of course it is always and option to make the dresses shorter or the sleeves longer or shorter...

3. Here are some more suggestions with a waistline
The dress on the bottom left is perfectly suited for a nice Himegyaru dress....add sleeves and a heart shaped neckline, some ribbons in front and more lace and it would be perfect...

I think bottom left plus top right would fit nicely too..

Fabrics to use: flower prints, cotton, maybe Jersey but be careful with that fabric, and chiffon.

 Have a nice weekend,

Auris Lothol

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2 Kommentare

  1. Kennst du Sie macht manchmal Hime Gyaru Sachen selber :)

    1. ja, die kenne ich! Sind echt super süße Sachen dabei *__* (DIE BUNNY SLIPPERS asdfgh)
