wip black adekan

March 11, 2013

Hello lovelies,
another work in progress entry. And actually only a very quick one.
Remember the adekan cosplay? I'm trying to do a new one:

And I had help over at my house. Ryo started to draw the flowers on the fabric and helped me.
Wait. Which flowers you ask!
 These flowers. I know I'm mad sometimes :D
And this is our wip after 3-4h of painting!!!
Thank you Ryo for taking your time and painting this usless stuff *__*!!!


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3 Kommentare

  1. Replies
    1. danke sehr! Ich hab absolut kein Talent im Zeichnen und bin deswegen so froh, dass mir eine Freundin hilft *___*. <3

  2. You're very welcome hanta :Dv Sag mir wenns weiter gehn soll ^^v

